Do you need to uninstall MobileMe Control Panel 1.6.7? Do you want to uninstall MobileMe Control Panel 1.6.7 and completely delete all its files from your computer? No worries! This page explains how to uninstall MobileMe Control Panel 1.6.7.
How do I uninstall MobileMe Control Panel 1.6.7 Completely?
Method 1: Uninstall MobileMe control panel 1.6.7 via Programs & Features
A new program is added to your Programs and Features list when it is installed. To uninstall the program you can visit the Programs and Features. MobileMe Control Panel 1.6.7 can be uninstalled by going to Programs and Features.
Features and Programs.
Windows Vista and Windows 7
Click Start. Type Uninstall a Program in Search Programs and Files box. Then click the result.
Method 2: Remove MobileMe Control Panel 1.6.7 using its uninstaller.exe.
A large number of computer programs include an executable file called uninst000.exe, uninstall.exe, or something similar. These files can be found in the MobileMe Control Panel 1.6.7 installation folder.
a. To install MobileMe Control Panel 1.6.7, go to the folder.
b. Uninstall.exe or Unins000.exe.
c. Search for MobileMe Control Panel 1.6.7 on the list and click Uninstall. This will initiate the uninstallation.
d. Double-click on the uninstaller to remove MobileMe Control Panel 1.6.7.
Method 3: Use System Restore to uninstall MobileMe Control panel 1.6.7
System Restore is an utility that comes with Windows operating system. It allows users to restore the system to its previous state and eliminate programs that are interfering with the computer’s operation. System Restore can be used to restore the system from a previous state before installing any program. Before performing a System Restore, you should back up your files and data.
a. Right-click Computer, and choose Properties. The system window will now display.
b. Click System Protection on the left side. The System Properties window will open.
Method 4: Uninstall MobileMe Control Panel 1.6.7 and Antivirus
Computer malware can look like other computer programs, but they are more difficult to delete from a computer. Trojans and spyware are used to infect computers with such malware. It is also difficult to get rid of other computer malware, such as adware and potentially unwanted programs. These programs are often installed by combining with freeware software such as video recording, games, or PDF converters. They can be easily bypassed by antivirus programs. MobileMe Control Panel 1.6.7 cannot be removed like other programs. It’s worth checking if it’s malware. Download this malware detection tool and run a free scan.
Method 5: Reinstall MobileMe Control Panel 1.6.7 to Uninstall.
If the file that is required to uninstall MobileMe Control Panel 1.6.7 has been corrupted, missing or damaged, the program will not be able to uninstall it. Reinstalling MobileMe Control Panel 1.6.7 might be the solution. To reinstall the program, run the installer on the original disk or in the downloaded file. You may be able to uninstall or repair the program sometimes as well.
Method 6: Use Uninstall Command displayed in the Registry.
Windows saves the settings and information of programs installed on the computer. This includes the uninstall command. This is how to uninstall MobileMe Control Panel 1.6.7. You should carefully edit the registry to avoid any errors that could cause your system to crash.
a. To open the Run command, hold Windows or R keys. Type regedit into the box and hit the OK key.
b. Use the following registry key to locate the MobileMe Control Panel 1.6.7.
c. Double-click on the UninstallString Value, and then copy its Value Data.
d. To open the Run command, hold Windows or R keys. Copy the Value Data into the box and then click OK.
e. Use the wizard to uninstall MobileMe Control Panel 1.6.7.
Method 7: Uninstall MobileMe Control panel 1.6.7 using Third-party Uninstaller.
Manually uninstalling MobileMe Control Panel 1.6.7 will require computer knowledge and patience. No one can guarantee that the manual uninstallation of MobileMe Control Panel 1.6.7 will remove all its files and uninstall it completely. Unintentional uninstallations can result in many invalid and useless items being added to the registry, which will negatively impact your computer’s performance.
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You can also slow down your computer’s speed by storing too many unnecessary files on your hard drive. It is recommended to uninstall MobileMe Control Panel 1.6 using a trusted third party uninstaller. This will scan your computer, find all MobileMe Control Panel 1.6.7 files, and then completely delete them. This powerful uninstaller is available below.