How to Upload Image and Video to Reddit? Without Imgur!

Reddit is acquiring footing in the social media space with the amazing services it offers to its users and the standards they are clinging to. It has acquired fame because of the discussions done on its use on some social media platforms.

Upload images and videos to Reddit are basically done through Imgur, which is essentially a facilitating webpage for uploading pictures on Reddit, Twitter, and such websites. Preceding the current component, Imgur was utilized to post images. Here we will talk about the other mediums to upload the image and video on the Reddit with Imgur site. Hence, Reddit might be somewhat unique for new clients with regards to posting a status or transferring an image, and it very well may be perplexing as well. They might require some assistance to utilize Reddit appropriately.

Upload image on Reddit using Desktop

The steps to be followed to upload an image picture on Reddit using Desktop:

Step-1: Open the Reddit

Step-2: Click on your profile photo in the right corner.

Step-3: Click on “Profile” from the scroller.

Step-4: Click on “New Post” which will be situated on the right of the page.

Step-5: Click on “Pictures and recordings” from the accessible choices.

Step-6: Select the number of pictures from your PC.

Step-7: Choose a proper title for the post.

Step-8: Click on the post to make it public.

There is an alternate route to upload images on the site as well. These means should be post pictures straightforwardly from the Reddit home page:

Step-1: Open the site.

Step-2: Click on the + choice, which is on the left of the profile photograph.

Step-3: Follow similar steps as above to upload an image.

Upload image on Reddit using the Smartphone

The steps to be followed to upload an image picture on Reddit using Smartphone:

Step-1: Open the application.

Step-2: Click on the + icon(Located at the middle down).

Step-3: Select pictures from the accessible choices.

Step-4: Click the number of pictures that need to transfer.

Step-5: Click on “Next”.

Step-6: Select the area need to transfer the image into from ” Choose community.” in the event that you need to transfer the image into your profile, click on “My profile.”

Step-7: Label a proper title for the picture.

Step-8: Click on “Post” to upload an image.

Uploading an Image to Reddit Post

These means should be followed to upload an image post on Reddit:

Step-1: Draft post

Step-2: Click the second last symbol, which seems as though the gallery picture in the middle of the table and video symbols.

Step-3: Select the pictures you need to append to the post to legitimize your post.

Step-4: Add the inscription for the message.

Step-5: The post choice won’t be accessible until all the details are filled in by the users like the title of the post, labels, inscription of the picture, etc.

Step-6: Click on the post, and the post will be made public as per the Reddit privacy policy adherence.

Follow the steps above for uploading the image on Reddit using the desktop, using Smartphone, and even uploading image in the Reddit post too.

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